The Junior Department
From pre-school age, the Junior Department offers musical opportunity for a wide range of ages and abilities in a fun and informal atmosphere.
The department meets on a Saturday morning when group activities include:
- Beauchamp bugs for age 3 to 4
- Infant and Junior singing and rhythm sessions
- Recorder groups
- Starter and Junior string ensembles
- Junior and Intermediate orchestras
- Wind band
- Associated Board theory groups
- Junior Choir
- Chamber groups
Beauchamp Sinfonia, a symphony orchestra for adults and students between grades 5 and 8, meet on Monday evenings.
For those wishing to gain music qualifications, the Academy offers its own highly successful syllabus of junior grades as well as Associated Board and Trinity/Guildhall exams, GCSE and A-level music.

Chief Executive & Musical Director: Glyn Oxley Bmus (Hons) Edin · Office Administrators: Cath Woodman, Suzanne Foy
Gloucester Academy of Music is the trading name of Music@bmggampa Limited
Registered in England No. 2796427 · Registered Charity No. 1085708